Part 59: Last Night- Page 57
Ghostwoods posted:
I suspect we'll need the porn mag to get the keys for some adventure-logic reason.
You are SO right.
>take magazine
You reach through the bars and snag the magazine.
>read magazine
There's not a whole lot in this magazine that you actually read. The target audience for this sort of thing is generally more interested in the pictures than in the articles.
Metal Gear Solid 3 and up has taught us the worth of random magazines.
>take key
(the cell key)
>look at cell key
Presumably, it opens the barred gates, providing access into (or out of) the asylum.
Of course if you try and open the lock without first distracting the Madman, he eats you, again. Miranda doesn't need this Magazine about pottery.
>give magazine to madman
The madman snatches the magazine from your hand and begins pawing through it like an over-sexed adolescent, giggling and occasionally squeezing his crotch.
>unlock gate with cell key
You unlock the barred gate.
The madman, noticing you trying to sneak off, tosses the magazine aside and hobbles after you.
(opening the barred gate first)
Waiting Room
The orderly is lying face down in a pool of blood in the middle of the room.
The orderly's name tag lies on the floor nearby.
The madman lurches after you.
The madman stops, stoops down, and picks a bit of gristly stuff out of the back of the orderly's head. He pops it into his mouth and chews it rapidly, rubbing his belly.
Well, this has turned lovely.
The rain is still coming down, so you open your umbrella.
(first taking the umbrella)
If you don't remember, Miranda was keeping her umbrella in her coat.
Asylum Courtyard
The madman comes prancing out the front door of the asylum, and suddenly stops dead in his tracks. He looks around, utterly dumbfounded. He looks up at the sky, and feels the raindrops striking his face. Slowly it dawns on his addled brain that he is outside; that he is, in fact, free.
With a wild whoop of pure joy, the madman hobbles away down the street, laughing and chattering to himself with such unabashed happiness that for a moment you almost forget that you have just let loose a dangerous and quite probably homicidal psychotic into the world at large.
Then again, you think, in this town he might just fit right in.
*** ka-WHAM!!! ***
A monstrous clap of thunder rolls across the sky, shaking the whole town to its foundations.
A sudden gust of rain puts the lantern out.

Your score has just gone up by two points.
Uh... Well, at least our heroin is free, too. Feels like she's been in that asylum for months!
Thesaya posted:
can we not take all?
What an excellent idea! Back inside we go.
You close your umbrella, as is your habit after coming indoors.
Waiting Room
The orderly is lying face down in a pool of blood in the middle of the room.
The orderly's name tag lies on the floor nearby.
>look at tag
It reads: "CHUCK".
Miranda nearly missed this.
>put tag in coat
(first taking the name tag)
(slipping the lantern into the pocket of your trenchcoat to get a hand free)
You slip the name tag into the pocket of your trenchcoat.
Before you ask, Miranda is now without any light sources, so back tracking further is currently impossible. She didn't want that dirty jug magazine anyway.
The rain is still coming down, so you open your umbrella.
Asylum Courtyard
A sizzling bolt of lightning cuts through the night sky, illuminating your surroundings in a sudden sheet of blinding white radiance that leaves eerie, green afterimages scarred onto your retinas.
Cover your ears, everyone!
Dark Corner
*** ka-WHAM!!! ***
A monstrous clap of thunder rolls across the sky, shaking the whole town to its foundations.
Man, that's loud.
Town Square
In the center of the square, rising from a circular lawn of unhealthy-looking grass and weeds, stands a strange, stone obelisk. It seems to be a monument of some sort, although you can see no plaque or marker anywhere near it.
As you step into the open square you hear a sudden commotion -- several crowds of people are converging onto the town square from different directions. You can hear their shouts and see the flickering glow of their torches as the mob begins to swarm in from the north and east.
A sudden gust of wind suddenly snatches the umbrella from your hands.
GAH! Our umbrella!
And trouble.
Big trouble.
Only YOU can save Miranda. Remember to put your suggestions in Bold.

In Trenchcoat